Contact Us


Rector: Rev Rosie Addis

The Rectory
85 Acredales
07795 225098
Linlithgow EH49 6JA

Rosie Rosie will normally be the first and principal contact for all aspects of pastoral care. It will be helpful, though, if more business-oriented contact can be directed as indicated below.

Should you be unable to contact our rector for pastoral support, then please contact the convenor of our pastoral group, Heather Westbrook (details below).

Local Organisation

If you have questions more concerned with the local organisation of the church (including bookings, covered below), please contact as seems more appropriate one of

Church Notices: Paul Goldfinch

Church Secretary: Jane Ramsay

Church Treasurer: Peter Lewis

Sunday School Organiser: Corinne Anderson


Church Bookings: Anne Moir

For all queries, please, relating to booking or use of the church building and/or extension

A more detailed list - probably more useful as a reference for those already involved with the church - is available here.

Church building

You can find us each Sunday morning at

Saint Peter's Scottish Episcopal Church
153 High Street
West Lothian
EH49 7EJ

For a map, see the how to find us page.

Virgin and Child

Contact Summary


For listings of services and church-organised events, see the 'news' tab on the website


Rector & Pastoral Contact:

whom failing, for pastoralcontact
Church Notices:
Church Secretary:
Church Treasurer:
Sunday School:
Church Bookings:

Site Map

Can't find what you're looking for? Check our Site Map.